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FAQs: Proctored Exams

  1. What is a proctor and why do I need one?
    A proctor is a person that will supervise you during the administration of your exam. Proctors are used to ensure the academic integrity of an exam by verifying the identity of the student, monitoring the student throughout the exam, and by providing a secure testing environment.
  2. Where can I find acceptable proctors?
    Below are examples of what the Office of Distance Education considers acceptable and unacceptable proctors. The Office of Distance Education may reject any proposed proctor or any previously approved proctor. Selecting a proctor who does not meet the acceptable proctor criteria will delay your proctor request.
    • Acceptable Proctors:
      • Official testing center at a college/university — Including, but not limited to those listed on NCTA
      • Certified librarians at a library, college/university, or school
      • College/university administrators, instructors, or academic advisors
      • Learning/tutoring centers
      • Educational officers of a corporation, military installation, or correctional facility
      • All proctors must have a professional email address and be able to monitor the student during the exam. All proctors must be approved by Office of Distance Education, this approval may be revoked at any time
    • Unacceptable Proctors:
      • Relatives or spouses/partners/significant others
      • Friends and/or roommates
      • Peers
      • Anyone who does not have a professional email address (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. are unacceptable)
      • Anyone who cannot monitor the student during the exam
  3. We recommend students contact local public libraries, university or college testing centers, and tutoring centers to inquire about proctoring services.
  4. Where do I submit a proctor for approval?
    Students should submit their proposed proctor for approval via the online form.
  5. When can I take my exam?
    Students are allowed to take exams during the testing windows outlined in their course syllabus. If students need to take any exams outside the testing windows, they should contact their instructor for permission and then contact the Office of Distance Education.